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Original URL:
Author: Brad K
Date of dump: 2005-12-30
Brief Description: A huge internet meme which seems to have originated around 1999, but got really big in the following couple of years. This site was the "Official" homepage and sought to document its history and many appearances around the internet. A real time capsule!
Mirror State: As complete as it ever will be. Sadly some of the downloads are missing as they were originally hosted on FilePlanet, which required registration. Hopefully this doesn't detract from your overall enjoyment of the site as all other content is there - including the original Flash animations.
Note that, while crawled in late 2005, I believe this site had been largely unchanged since early 2002.
Original URL:
Author: Ex-Atari employees Les Caron and Keita Iida
Date of dump: 2002-12-02
Brief Description: Once a leading authority on all things Atari, Atari Gaming Headquarters features comprehensive history sections, news, reviews and more, with a large number of contributors including ex-Atari staff.
Mirror State: Work In Progress Missing images and some broken links still to sort, but it's largely there. This site underwent a few revisions over the years, this is the last iteration of the original design from 2002 before they moved to a PHP-based Content Management System. There were 2 complete redesigns in the site's lifetime. I have these all the way up to the site's demise in late 2016 and intend to reconstruct them and get them back online, but for now enjoy this complete dump from 2002!
Bonus: It seems the authors of these sites had an agreement with Keita Iida to share his hosting, so they're also mirrored here:
Jaguar Explorer Online, an online Atari Jaguar e-zine.
The Ancient Atari PAL Division, a European Atari fan site.
Dan Boris's Homepage, a small personal Atari fansite.
tsr's NES Archive, perhaps the most noteworthy, was a legendary NES site "back in the day" and indeed a future candidate for a full restoration in its own right. At the time of this mirror it was on hiatus, but came back in a really big way in later years. For now, enjoy this early iteration.
Original URL:
Author: Curt Vendel
Date of dump: 2016-06-19
Brief Description: Marketing site for Curt Vendel and Marty Goldberg's book "Atari Inc. - Business Is Fun". Features some excerpts from the book, Atari history and background information that doesn't appear to be available anywhere else online.
Mirror State: A couple of missing images but nothing major. Site has had some major work to remove interactive elements, now-defunct social links, nonfunctional search, and other WordPress rubbish created at mirror time. Also the original shop and contact form were removed as they were no longer functional. This was the last complete dump after Curt's untimely death lead to the termination of his website hosting.
Original URL:
Author: Curt Vendel
Date of dump: 2021-06-19
Brief Description: From the site: In 1979 a small but amazing company was started in California. It started with the idea of bringing low cost, high speed mass storage to personal computer systems. This idea grew further to then bringing this to not just one computer, but then to allow multiple computers the ability to share high speed mass storage, then peripherals and more. As time went by, Corvus would create "Omninet" - which was its own proprietary networking protocol and hardware system. Corvus would also introduce a very innovative computer called "Concept".
Mirror State: Complete. This was the last complete dump after Curt's untimely death lead to the termination of his website hosting.
Original URL:
Author: Cyrix Corporation, U.S.A.
Date of dump: 1997-06-16
Brief Description: Very early mirror of the official website of the Cyrix Corporation, who were known for their Intel-compatible x86 CPUs in the early-mid 1990s. Includes all sorts of historical technical information, press releases, and more!
Mirror State: Mercifully complete considering its age and complexity. The troubled story of Cyrix is fascinating and well worth investigating, but to cut a long story short, this represents the last available dump before Cyrix was merged into National Semiconductor following an Intel lawsuit. Non-functional search function and various forms have been neutered, but otherwise it's all original.
Original URL:
Author: Online Magic / GT Interactive
Date of dump: 1998-04-15
Brief Description: Promotional "Minisite" for Duke Nukem 3D from publisher GT Interactive. Includes info on weapons & enemies and downloads of patches and user levels.
Mirror State: Eugh. I love the graphic design on this one but due to the way the site was built (making heavy use of JavaScript to load various elements) I guess The Internet Archive's crawler just wasn't sophisticated enough to handle it. So the substance is all here, but the "weapons" and "add-ons" sections in particular have been heavily neutered in this version to remove a lot of broken elements. You can check out the archived version on the link above and see which you prefer, but it is sadly incomplete and very broken in places and I can only work with what I've got. :(
Original URL: /
Author: Hampton Hamster
Date of dump: 1999-04-23
Brief Description: The Ham(p)ster Dance was an absolute web phenomenon in the late 90s, spawning countless copycat sites, merchandise, and even its own CD album. Of course, it had to be brought back. :)
Mirror State: OK, I took some liberties with this one. The main mirror is actually how this site would have appeared originally in 1997, with some later additions stripped out (ie, broken advertising iframes and the like). As always, if you're interested in 100% historical accuracy, the Wayback Machine link is right there. I wanted to preserve the essence of this wonderful thing that I remember very fondly from my teenage years, and I hope I've succeeded.
Note that the site's author later added a fixed width version (well, it had some line breaks between the images, the HTML itself is an utter shambles) around 2000, presumably as PC resolutions increased.
Also note that modern browsers don't autoplay the music, so you'll have to click the appropriate link (towards the bottom of the page) for the full experience...
Original URL:
Author: Charles M. Kozierok
Date of dump: 2019-01-24
Brief Description: MIT graduate Charles M. Kozierok created his now-legendary "PC Guide" site in 1997. It was a comprehensive resource on all things PC, with in-depth explanations and analysis of the hardware and software technology of the time, troubleshooting guides and more. PC Guide also included an online version of Charlie Palmer's "How to Build Your Own PC - Save A Buck And Learn A Lot" book, which was added in 2005. Aside from this section and a few brief news updates, the original incarnation of PC Guide ceased to be updated in April 2001, remaining online in unaltered form until early 2019, when the brand and domain was acquired by BGFG. The new owners promptly took the original content offline and continue to run PC Guide as a news and reviews site with a predominant focus on modern PC gaming hardware. Thankfully the Wayback Machine had already had ample opportunity to preserve every aspect of this fascinating example of late 90s web design.
Mirror State: Complete, minus the forums (over 100K pages in and of themselves) as they're a complete tangled web of madness that I just don't have the resources to deal with at the moment. I have also removed things like historical ad code and Google Site Search boxes for a cleaner experience, as they weren't working anyway. As always, content and substance is King.
Original URL:
Author: Sierra On-line, Inc.
Date of dump: 2001-08-01
Brief Description: Website of Sierra On-Line, Inc. - Ken & Roberta Williams' legendary game publisher, who at the time of this dump was marketing Arcanum, the Tribes series, Leisure Suit Larry series, SWAT series, Alien vs. Predator 2, No One Lives Forever, Caesar III, Homeworld, Lords of the Realm, Pharaoh, Half-Life (and its 2 official expansions), and many more!
Mirror State: Work In Progress Missing images and some broken links still to sort, but it's largely there - there are an awful lot of small bits and bobs that sadly were never mirrored in the first place. This is the last dump before they started adding lots of Flash / Shockwave elements and dates to shortly after the launch of Half-Life: Blue Shift. As the author of this site is a huge Half-Life fan, I thought it would be fun to have the original pages back online as they're full of interesting information on the original games and show how they were marketed at the time. Any other games included are a bonus! Sierra eventually became defunct in 2008, and after this dump things get quite messy, with bits spread across this domain and Hopefully I can tackle some future mirrors at some point so we can see how the company's offerings progressed.
Original URL:
Author: Tomi Engdahl
Date of dump: 2005-03-10
Brief Description: Personal homepage of Tomi Engdahl as originally hosted on, home of the Helsinki University of Technology. While this site did continue past this date, Tomi was starting to work on splitting sections off to other domains, so this is the most complete mirror available of the site in its original form. But why this site? Well, it has a load of VGA to TV info and was linked from Coelho's Home Page, another site in this archive. I decided it was so interesting that I may as well also include it here.
Mirror State: Pretty much complete, certainly all of the important text regarding the various projects is there. Note that there are large Finnish-language mirrors of 2 newsgroups ( and sfnet.harrastus.elektroniikka), and these are riddled with character encoding issues. I have left them in because a couple of other pages link to them for background info, but my complete lack of understanding of the Finnish language means that I've left these pages as-is pending some kind of solution.
Original URL: /
Author: Paulo Sergio Coelho
Date of dump: 2003-06-23
Brief Description: Documentation on the VGATV project, a DOS and Windows driver that removes the scandoubling usually applied to VGA signals to allow display on 15kHz displays, as per earlier CGA and EGA cards. Niche, I know.
Mirror State: 100% Complete. Has had some tidying up to reduce the frameset madness and remove some weird non-printing characters that were causing issues on some browsers.
Original URL:
Author: Paul Thurrott
Date of dump: 2002-04-02
Brief Description: Technology journalist Paul Thurrott's website all about Windows. Features contemporary news and reviews of Windows 98, Me, 2000, and XP (including "Whistler" pre-release versions), Office XP, .NET, reports from trade shows including COMDEX 97-2002, Microsoft launch events and more. Also includes Paul's "Tech Showcases" taking deep dives into various Windows and Office technologies from around the turn of the century.
Mirror State: 100% complete. This was the last available dump before a site redesign and apparent move to a content management system, which will take a lot more work to piece back together. Non-functional newsletter signup form and email links / contact form have been removed, in addition to (broken, defunct) footer ads.
Original URL:
Author: Microsoft Corporation
Date of dump: 1999-10-12
Brief Description: Taken shortly after Windows 98 Second Edition's release, but before all of the hype for the upcoming Windows 2000 and Millennium Edition started.
Mirror State: This one required extensive work to not only decouple it from the rest of Microsoft's site (it was huge even in 1999 and I ain't rebuilding the whole thing) but also to make sure that it was as complete as it could be. The Wayback Machine's archives are a bit patchy on these earlier sites and I had to adapt some later elements to fill in the gaps. Go too late, however, and MS had started redirecting people to ME. This is about as accurate and complete as it's going to get. Also .asp pages have been renamed to .html (as they're static HTML now and not running on Active Server Pages) and the long-defunct search functionality has been neutered, but I've left the boxes in place for an accurate visual representation of how this site looked at the time. Note that this is basically complete apart from the update downloads, which you shouldn't be getting from here anyway. If you're looking to update Windows 9x, check out Windows Update Restored (no affiliation, just a fan).
Note: I'm aware that this mirror has a few weird character encoding issues on some pages. Unfortunately this seems to be a side effect of Wayback Machine's early crawler. I've been going through and fixing them manually but it's a very tedious and time consuming process so there are definitely more than a few still in there!
Original URL:
Author: Paul Thurrott
Date of dump: 2003-04-24
Brief Description: Small marketing site for Paul Thurrott's "Windows XP Home Networking" book. There are only a few pages, it's a fine example of a small marketing website of the time, and it's linked from the other Paul Thurrott sites here so I decided to include it.
Mirror State: 100% complete except middle_fill.gif background image, which I took a guess at as it had never been dumped. It's a 1px slice from the top of the bottom banner. Otherwise all original. Last dump available before the original site was reworked as a news site gathering feeds from other Paul Thurrott sites.
Original URL:
Author: Paul Thurrott
Date of dump: 2003-04-23
Brief Description: Small marketing site for Paul Thurrott's "Great Digital Media With Windows XP" book. There are only a few pages, it's a fine example of a small marketing website of the time, and it's linked from the other Paul Thurrott sites here so I decided to include it.
Mirror State: 100% complete. Last dump available before the original site was reworked as a news site gathering feeds from other Paul Thurrott sites.
The Outer Gate (1997): Andrew Chin, Christopher Leckner, Elizabeth Rodgers, Robert Rodgers
A Consumer's Guide To Modern Computer RAM (1998): Brian Renn, Neil Anstey, Jason Martin, Eric Byrd
Date of dumps:
The Outer Gate (1997): 2002-12-25
A Consumer's Guide To Modern Computer RAM (1998): 2005-08-06
Original URL:
Brief Description: Some Computer Science students' small projects all about computer RAM and cache memory. Not only a delightful example of late 90s internet, but genuinely useful, too (to the point of being linked from modern Wikipedia).
Mirror State: A good representation of the state of these sites as they were, minus a few missing images as is sadly par for the course for these very early mirrors (I have also reconstructed a few to the best of my ability). The important thing is that the information is intact. Note that the "'Consumer's Guide To Modern Computer RAM" index page has been reworked a bit (in keeping with the original design) as it was full of broken / missing elements that I couldn't track down, and I didn't want them to detract from the content.
I hope it goes without saying, but I didn't create these sites and don't own the content within them. Many of them are 20+ years old now and have been offline for a number of years. Some of the owners have sadly passed, and some have left the scene and moved on to other things. Some are even still active. My intention here is to preserve their work and make it available once more as a kind of museum, and of course I claim ownership of none of the actual content. Many thanks to the original authors for putting all of this hard work out there in the first place. If you have any more questions please see the FAQ.