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Interesting Pages

The bulk of the Retro Mirror index consists of entire websites (or subsites thereof) hosted on their very own subdomains for self-contained browsing. But very occasionally I'll come across a single page site, or an individual page or document or two that's of interest where the hosting site doesn't warrant this treatment, or can't be mirrored for whatever reason. This is where the "Interesting Pages" collection comes in. Bear in mind that your definition of "interesting" may differ significantly from mine... ;)

Of course, as always, if you want to explore the historical context around these pages, the Wayback Machine links are available for browsing in your modern browser.

If you want to know more about my work here at Retro Mirror, please see the FAQ!

The Pages

Windows95 OSR2 FAQ

Local Mirror: /pages/osr2faq/index.html

Original URL:
Author: Sean Erwin / Compuclinic
Date of dump: 1998-01-17
Brief Description: Huge rambling infodump about the then-newly-released Windows 95 OSR2, including compatibility info and fixes. This was once attached to Compuclinic, a computer sales and repair shop based in Hawaii. The rest of the site was somewhat broken (unfortunately the case for many smaller pre-2000 sites on the Wayback Machine) and had no real content anyway other than their contact details, but I thought this page might be worth rescuing for intrepid future explorers looking to discover the wonders of Windows 95 OSR2.

It's also linked from PC Guide.

Copyright Notice

I hope it goes without saying, but I didn't create these pages and don't own the content within them. Many of them are 20+ years old now and have been offline for a number of years. Some of the owners have sadly passed, and some have left the scene and moved on to other things. Some are even still active. My intention here is to preserve their work and make it available once more as a kind of museum, and of course I claim ownership of none of the actual content. Many thanks to the original authors for putting all of this hard work out there in the first place. If you have any more questions please see the FAQ.